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Today There is a Rare Natural Phenomenon in Bonjol and Kinali

Senin, 21 Maret 2022 | Maret 21, 2022 WIB Last Updated 2022-03-21T03:47:42Z


Yurnaldi (foto.doc)

Yurnaldi's notes (One of the founders and first chairman of the West Sumatra Tourism Journalists Forum)

COMMUNITIES who want to enjoy rare natural phenomena, visit Kinali, West Pasaman Regency and Bonjol, in Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province, today, March 21. Precisely at the Equator Monument.

Because this afternoon, if the weather is clear and the temperature is hotter than usual, we will be able to watch without a shadow. This is because the sun will be directly above the equator.

If you have never taken a selfie at the Equator Monument, today is a special, rare opportunity. Not many areas can enjoy it in Indonesia. in addition to two places in West Sumatra, it can also be at the Equator Monument in Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province. Also in the Batu Islands, in South Nias, North Sumatra Province, the Kayla Islands in South Halmahera, North Maluku, and Waigeo Island in Raja Ampat, West Papua. This is an area whose position is between 23.4 South Latitude and 23.4 North Latitude.

I, thank God, have visited the Equator Monument twice in Pontianak, and each of them received a certificate from the mayor. To Bonjol, he has also stopped by several times at the Equator Monument. Meanwhile, at the Equator Monument in Kinali, I have taken two pictures since the last five years.

I'm just concerned, for five years there seems to be no attention to this one tourist attraction in West Pasaman. How about this, Mr. Regent of West Pasaman? Glare is also what must be addressed.

If I compare it with the Equator Monument in Pontianak, it can be a long story. What is certain is that the head of the tourism office must be creative. If you are a creative tourism agency, of course there are many events that can be made, maybe a photo competition, a tourism writing competition, and an exhibition/bazaar for MSME products.

Anyway, back to the uniqueness of this rare natural event, apart from being without a shadow, the duration of night and day is the same (vernal eguinox). According to the theory I read, this rare event occurs twice a year, namely March 21 and September 23.

This event occurs because the Earth revolves around the Sun at a distance of 150 million kilometers with a period of approximately 365 days.

Padang, March 20, 2022, at 21.15 WIB. (**)

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